written by Spike, posted by Dos Equis
Conditions : 74 F and mid-level humidity, mostly sunny
Q : Spike
Bootcamp : 11 PAX : Spike (Q), WallE, Mountie, Hot Wheels, Photo Finish, Risky Business, Pharmer, Smokey, Dos Equis, Black Hole, + Brisket on ZOOM.
YHC had the day off, and asked Dos Equis “who is Q’ing on Monday in Princeton?” To which he responded “it would be great if you Q’d!” So YHC dug out his white board, revived a previous workout, and took a lovely trip to Princeton. The Rising AO is an amazing 123+ acre park with rolling hills, a football field, a baseball diamond, a soccer field, a swimming pool, a pavilion for shelter, and even restrooms that were unlocked! You have to visit, if you’ve never been there!
Disclaimer was given, as well as a review of the F3 Mission, and F3 Core principles including :
Free, Rotational lead, Outdoors, Open to all Men, (F.R.O.M.) end with CoT. I am not a professional, you assume the risk of injury, modify exercises up to and including not even doing the exercise. All those in favor followed YHC throughout the workout
Warmup in the center of the soccer field :
- 10x arm circles IC
- 10x Michael Phelps IC
- 10x circle arms IC
- 3 count overhead arm stretches each side
- 10x Daisy Pickers IC
- 10x Abe Vigodas IC
- 20x SSHs IC
The Thang :
Mosey to the baseball diamond where YHC had brought out his white-board, freshly inked from the last workout he used it for. All exercises below were performed in cadence. We did various exercises waiting for the 6 including planking, Al Gore, and overhanging stretches
25 punch-up merkins mosey around the bases
25 squats mosey around the bases
25 V-ups
100 second People’s Chair / wall-sit against the fence (each PAX counting out 10 seconds). Some mumble chatter as legs began to shake near the end. If YHC remembers, Wall-E broke the mold and counted to 15 because he must enjoy this exercise more than others!
20 walk-out merkins mosey around the bases
25 low slow squats mosey around the bases
25 WWII sit-ups
30 second Balls to the Wall against the fence (YHC wasn’t going to last for 110 seconds of this!)
20 hand-release merkins mosey around the bases
25 Bobby Hurleys mosey around the bases
25 Heels to Heaven mosey around the bases
ROUND 4: Field of Dreams (on the baseball diamond) :
bear crawl to 1st base
lunge walk to 2nd
crab walk to 3rd
lunge walk to home
5 flying squirrels IC
What started out as 15 flying squirrels quickly was “modified” down to 10, then to 5, as the PAX were pretty gassed at that point! Although Risky Business, Mountie and Hot Wheels were still sprinting around the bases, instead of a slow mosey. High energy HIM right there!
YHC reminded them of a saying he heard from Uptown Girl (Nantan from F3 Lehigh Valley). “I’m sorry if this workout was too hard for you. I’m sorry if this workout was too easy for you. It isn’t about the workout.”
Mosey back to the shovel flag
6MOM / Mary / Abs / Core : integrated into the workout
Count-o-rama : 11 (including Brisket on Zoom!)
Words of Wisdom :
YHC paraphrased George Washington’s quote “it is better to be alone than to be in bad company.” It was an honor and privilege to Q the men of F3 Princeton this morning. They are a high energy group, with many of the PAX racing each other back to home plate during the “moseys,” lots of smiles to go around before, during and after the sweat-fest, and good cheer all around.
Circle of Trust / Ball of Man
Closing Prayer – YHC led us out with a prayer for safety and so we can continue to be the High Impact Men we’ve been called to be.
3 PAX had Coffeeteria at the Bagel Hole parking lot on the now famous Home Depot “have bucket-will travel” seats!

Great Q, great PAX!