29 degrees, 11 pax: Black Hole, Scar, Dick Clark, Mulligan, Brisket, Mountie, RedCoat. Trailblazer, Photo Finish, Sweaty Palms (DR from F3 Nolensville TN) and Dos Equis, Q.
I’ve got nothing against snowmen. Honest. I just like the wordplay with this title compared to the Credo of F3Nation. Thank you, Mountie, for this.
The Warm-Up
Arm Circles
Circle Arms
Shoulder Stretches
Lounge Act
Mosey to the Pavilion
The Thang
Today’s thang is courtesy of Hops who recently led this workout for F3Indian Valley: SANTA BOMBS.
In pairs, one pax would do the exercise, while the other pax ran a lap in the adjacent parking lot. The quantity of reps is cumulative by the efforts of both pax.
S: Squat Jumps 50
A: Alternating Touch merkins 50
N: Noodling for Catfish 50
T: Twinkle Toes 200
A: American Hammers 200
B: Burpees 50
O: Overhead Claps 100
M: Merkins (Hand Release) 50
B: Big Boi Sit Ups 100
This was cut short near the end, so that Sweaty Palms could share with us exercises from F3Nolensville.
He led us in:
“Bearway to Heaven”: Bear Crawl two parking spaces , do 10 merkins, bear crawl back two parking spaces. Bear crawl four parking spaces, do 8 merkins, bear crawl back four parking spaces. Bear crawl, six parking spaces, do 6 merkins, bear crawl back six parking spaces, etc. This is done through the length of the song, “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin.
“Sally”: Squat exercise to “Bring Sally Up” by Moby.
The men were encouraged to consider the question: “What good has come out for you during the pandemic? What have you learned about yourself? How have these strange circumstances made you a better person?
Give consideration: What is your one word for 2021? What is the one word that will drive you, lead you and direct you for the year? What is the one word that will change you?
I shared how much this brotherhood has meant for me. The dedication, persistence, commitment, creativity, and love of the men of F3Princeton continues to blow me away. I remain fortunate to have such a great band of brothers as part of my life. I do not take this for granted.
It was a delight to have Sweaty Palms join us today for this workout, and by his presence and passion, show us that we are a part of something bigger than our local group.
Remain durable.
Remain resilient.
Maintain hope.
Stay strong.
Stay safe.
Stay sane.
Honored to lead,
Dos Equis