6 Pax (ScarU (Q), Dick Clark, Mulligan, Dos Equis, Brisket and Mountie) joined in for a Rutgers themed Q. written by ScarU Stage I- History of Rutgers Queens College 1766 It was renamed Rutgers College in 1825 after Colonel Henry Rutgers (1745β1830), an American Revolutionary War hero, philanthropist, and an early benefactor of the school.[1]Continue reading “RU Keep Choppin’”
Monthly Archives: January 2021
The Hill We Climb
An Appreciation Workout in honor of Amanda Gorman, The United States Youth Poet Laureate 24 degrees at 0630 hrs, 6 pax on site, 1 on ZOOM: Brisket, Scar, Dick Clark, Red Card, Wall E, Dos Equis, Q, and on ZOOM: Black Hole. Warm-Up: (20 count or XX count of each) Arm Circle, Circle Arms, ImperialContinue reading “The Hill We Climb”
Good Former and the Ladder
Where: The Rising, 18 degrees (with windchill)Who: (15 Pax) Black Hole, Cruiser, ScarU, Scar-2k, FNG Lafayette, Photo Finish, Red Card, Dick Clark, Mountie (Q), Red Coat, Mulligan, Brisket, Wall-E, Dos Equis, and Shamwow on the Zoom (welcome back Sham). We went with a throwback workout today, all the way back to April 2020 when ZoomContinue reading “Good Former and the Ladder”
Inauguration Day
The PAX arrived early for a dark, slightly snowy inauguration themed workout with temperatures in the low 30s. PAX: Scar, RedCard, DickClark, PhotoFinish, Mulligan, Mountie, DosEquis with Brisket on Q. Warmup Arm across stretchArm over stretchHip SpreadersDownDog Heel PlantPlank Lunge StretchTippy Taps x10IWs x10 Mosey Tennis CourtRiskys (Heart Chargers) x2 Temporary rename in honor ofContinue reading “Inauguration Day”
Social Justice
Date: 1/18/2021 AO: The Rising 14 PAX: Scar, Scar2k, Red Card, Dick Clark, Photo Finish, Trooper, Milky Way, WallE, Ribs, Brisket, Dos Equis, Mountie, Black Hole (Q) and Mulligan Disclaimer. Modify as necessary. Warm-a-rama Arm circles / circle arms Windmills Imperial squat walkers On this day, we remember Martin Luther King Jr, his words andContinue reading “Social Justice”
March on Washington
August 28, 1963 A story and photographs by Photo Finish I was on my summer break from Cornell (going into my senior year). At our community Barn (literally the barn that was the center of the farm that morphed into our left-leaning group in Goldens Bridge) a bunch of kids were congregating as usual andContinue reading “March on Washington”
A promise of “No Burpees”
A winter drizzle did not keep the PAX away from the Princeton AO. WallE led the PAX through a celebration of 2021 (fingers crossed).20-21 = 20 reps of 21 different exercises (The promise of “No Burpees” was not believed by anyone!) Warm up:1) Tippy Taps / Windmills2) Circle Arms / Arm Circles3) SSH Thang:Each roundContinue reading “A promise of “No Burpees””
Rabbit-flavored SnackPax
Written by Dick Clark6:30 am Monday, January 11, 2021 Clear, 25 degrees, 8 Pax: Photo Finish, Dos Equis, Mountie, WallE, Red Card, ScarU, Brisket, and Dick Clark on Q. Dick Clark canβt get enough of SnackPAX, but wanted something more savory and gamey. Warmups The grass had a thick layer of frost as we startedContinue reading “Rabbit-flavored SnackPax”
Before I built a wall I’d ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offense. Something there is that doesn’t love a wall that wants it down. from “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost The image of protestors at the United States Capitol scaling theContinue reading “Walls”
F3 Among Us
Where – The Rising, 7am, Jan. 9th, ~ 25 degreesWho- The UX, Cruiser, ScarU, Scar2K, Dick Clark, Trooper (Q), Mountie (Q), Milky Way, Mulligan, Red Card, Red Coat, Brisket, Ribs (FNG, Brisket’s 2.0), Dos Equis, Wall-E and Black Hole.What- Among Us in person.. It has been 10 months of social distancing and many of usContinue reading “F3 Among Us”