BackBlast for Saturday, March 27, 2021
11 PAX (RedCoat, DosEquis, Cruiser, Mulligan, Ribs, Brisket, Aviator, DickClark, Smokey, RedCard, WallE)

4 Zoom (Shamwow, Milky Way, BlackHole and FNG – last 3 from the soft launch of F3 Rosedale @ Pennington)

Tippy Taps, Mountain Climbers, WindMills.
Thang 1:
Pearls on a String. Ran around the AO with stops (IC, at least 20 reps) with the following exercises:

Hillbilly squats
Imperial Walker squats
Side Straddle Hops

oNOs (Apolo Ohns)
T-Merkins (Hand release merkins)

American hammers
Never cross dolly
Everest (up the side of green helmet)

The first letters spelt out “HIMS NOT ALONE”.
We repeated the exercises at the Colosseum. Stopped a few exercises early as I really wanted to get the pax to Thang 2.
Thang 2:
My creation for highlighting the Mental Battle any one of us faces.
1) Pax lined up at one end of the football field.
2) Plan to cover the length of the field with a series of 1 Broad Jump + 1 Burpee combinations.- This symbolized the mental battle we each face in life.
3) After every 4 Broad Jump/Burpees a pax led us through his favorite exercise.
– This symbolized us stopping our journey to pay attention to our brother.
– Also showed that whatever a pax is going through, he can pause and reach out to the rest of us.

Cool Down:
LBCs and Planks at the Colosseum.
We ended with a COT. Gave thanks for the opportunity to get fitter together
– asked for strength so that we could be there for our brother’s time of need
– asked for courage so that we could seek help in our time of need now more than ever.

Keep showing up (as Mountie said, “Not just at the workout, but in each other’s lives”)
– WallE