Who: 17 PAX for the once in 17 years CICADAS theme!
Pharmer, Swoosh, TowPath, Thunder, PhotoFinish, Scar, Scar2K, MilkyWay, RedCoat, Brisket, Cruiser, DickClark, Aviator, HackSaw, DosEquis, BlackHole, WallE
A celebration of our AO’s once in 17 years visitors – the CICADAS! Each exercise done to 17 reps.
Cherry Pickers (basically Tippy Taps)
Imperial Walkers
Circle Arms (and reverse)
Abe Vigodas
Dirty Dogs (A first for Princeton)
Air Squats
! – Mosey to upper parking lot

Round 1:
Carolina Dry Dock
Imperial Walker Squats
Crawl Merkins (Bear crawl back-and-forth IC with a merkin thrown in)
American Hammers
Diamond Merkins
Alternate side squats
! – Mosey around the parking lots
Repeat round 1

Round 2:
Captain Thor (4 rounds = 1 BigBoy situp x 4 American Hammers – up to (4)(16))
Inchworm (some PAX (not the Q) modified to include merkins – Strong!)
Crunchy Frog
Alphabet (Spell CICADAS x 3)
Apollo Onos
! – Mosey upper lot and mosey to Colosseum

Round 3:
Copper Head Squats
Iron Mike
Austin Ass kickers
Alternating Shoulder Taps

Cool Down Round:
Crunchy Frogs
Imperial Walkers
Austin Ass kickers
Alternate Shoulder Taps
Step Ups
! – Ended with a Plank Circle to the PAX count of 17!

Joined by West Windsor’s mayor. Scar recommended a Netflix documentary around health and eating right, and Scar2K whole heartedly concurred! (The Game Changers). YHC used this opportunity to push QSource and introduce the PAX to the King, Queen and the Jester (for reference when we do get to working through QSource at the PrincetonAO: Q1.2, Q1.3 and Q1.4)
This Juneteenth we remembered the sacrifices so many have made as our nation has achieved much, while we stay focused on the challenges yet to be overcome.
Happy Father’s Day to the Pax.

– WallE
P.S. Thanks to Aviator for letting me Q today (6/19)