Date: 2/5/2022
AO: The Rising (Community Park, West Windsor)
Conditions: clear skies, 23 degrees, 11 windchill
28 PAX: Brisket, The Bishop, Graf, Citron, Rodin, ScarU, Cipher, Casbah, RedCoat, Babe Ruth, WallE, Tanker, Knight2F3, Milky Way, Aviator, Risky Business, Shredder, Morpheus, Wingman, Whistle Blower, Munchies, Turbo, Thunder, Side Out, Black Hole (Q), Dick Clark, Cruiser, and Dos Equis.
Risky Business arrived on foot running from home (5.5 miles to The Rising) after a pre-F3 extra credit run while YHC and his 2.0s were setting up!!
Disclaimer: Not a professional. Don’t know your injuries. Modify as necessary. Suggestions only. Don’t sue anyone. Aye!
Today’s beatdown is a celebration of several recent events: the 4720th Lunar New Year on Tuesday (Year of the Tiger), start of the 24th Winter Olympics, and YHC’s 45th birthday (both on Friday).
Like the non-stop dancers that lined the Parade of Nations route of the Opening Ceremony, we split into 2 groups: one doing Motivators from 10, while the other group run several laps around the parking lot. When the group was done with motivators, switched.
Photo credit: (L): Getty images, (R): Dick Clark.
Those who brought cinder blocks carried them to the center of the soccer field for the Thang.
The Thang:
Modifying from a Dora 1-2-3, today’s Thang is TIGER 1-2-3 or perhaps more accurately, 1.0-1.5-2.0-2.5-3.0. Partner up, one runs 15s out & 15s back while the other performs the cumulative reps below. Upon return of the running partner, switch and continue the rep count.
- T – T merkins, 100 reps
- I – Imperial Squat Walkers (each leg = 1 rep), 150 reps
- G – Gas pumps, 200 reps
- E – E2K, 250 reps
- R – Rockette dips (on cinder block or benches), 300 reps
PAX were encouraged to modify as needed (e.g. YHC reduced gas pumps to 150 when hips kept making popping sounds!). Also, PAX were reminded that the run was basically the rest during this Thang. Lastly, PAX were encouraged to run in different directions to simulate fireworks on the strava trace. Towards the end, PAX who were finished, donated reps to “pick up the six”.
MOM (Minutes of Mary)
Finish up the workout with a few of YHC’s favorite exercises:
- Smurf Jacks, 4-ct IC x 30 + 15 reps
- Apolo Ohnos, 4-ct IC x 45 reps
- Tony Hawk burpees, OYO 25 reps
- Boat – Canoes (Capsize-Kayak too), IC
Tony Hawks were modified as needed. YHC modified to 180 degree spins and too dizzy to make to 45 reps (well, Forever 25)… Boat-Canoes started in several capsize positions to allow time to catch the breath after all those Tony Hawks!
Strava art (L to R): Black Hole, WallE, Brisket, and Risky Business (including his pre-run).
Count-o-rama. Name-o-rama.
- Milky Way and his friend are leading an effort to fundraise for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Student of the Year Campaign. Please support if you are able.
- NJ’s 2nd F3 region (Essex County) will launch on Saturday, March 5, 2022! Make plans now for a clown car to support these HIM! Good luck to Rodin and his crew!
COT. A common lunar new year greeting is a wish for good health. Friends are still catching COVID, so continue taking care and stay healthy. Risky Business prayed us out.
Coffeteria at Grover’s Mill Coffee Co. Dick Clark and ScarU led Q Source discussion of Q1.2 – The King.
Honored to lead.
YHC, Black Hole