Q: beater
PAX: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Uday Jain (WallE), Manish Bhansali (F3 Princeton – Aviator)
FNGs: None
Mosey with coupons (blocks only) to garage
SSH, seal claps, copperhead squat
Partner up at bottom of garage ramp
P1 bear crawls with block up the ramp. P2 runs with block to top of ramp and back until reaches P1. Each partner does 10 uneven alternating block merkins (one hand on ground, one hand on block – switch hands every rep), then 4 alternating blockees. Then switch so that P2 starts crawling, P1 starts running. Rinse and repeat until reach top of the ramp.
Once at top:
30 curls
20 OH press
10 KB swings
Went through everything above twice, with a mosey in between
Sorry luv, not today
Everyone’s looking forward to the weekend. WallE has been (enviably) checking items off his list and feeling the satisfaction that comes with it.
Great job today fellas – this was a grind, and y’all demolished it.