Monday Morning Block Party 🎉🎉🎉

AO: backblasts
Q: Matt Hopkins (Brisket)
PAX: Dick Clark, Sunny The Machine Sehgal, W. Jason Griffith F3 Risky Business, Attila (Jeremy Stitts), Achilles Estavillo (SideOut/JabJab/Scorpion K, Vijay Aluwalia (Four Seasons), Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll)
FNGs: None

Lap around the lot to warm up
DC Stretches

Thang – Route 66 Murder Bunnies

Murder Bunny x 10
Run back to nearest tree (or beginning)
Repeat until 100 bunnies are complete

Farmer carry coupon to intersection.

Return Route 66 with Block Dips

Carry coupon to pavillion

Complete a 60 count wall sit

Thang – Coupon Races up Helmet

Partner Up

First PAX Carries their coupon to partners coupon marker
Lunges Left and Right towards top of hill
Runs back to start and plank until lunges are complete
Repeat until top of hill

Thang – top of helmet

Windshield Wipers
Block over Burpees

PAX farmer carry coupons to upper lot

Thang – Coupons in Motion

Create a pile of coupons
Designate coupon retriever
PAX Lay down on back parallel to each other
Coupon retriever feed coupons to first pax in line
PAX pass coupons down the line

Pick new retriever

PAX flip into a plank and drag coupons through to the other side


Mosey back to flag


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