Gganbu for life

AO: backblasts
Q: beater
PAX: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Dick Clark, Uday Jain (WallE), Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles)
FNGs: None
SSH, Abe Vigodas, arm circles, copperhead squats. Quick mosey

Partner up for a Squid Game-style screw your partner Dora challenge (P1 runs, P2 does reps, until cumulative reps reached):

Regular Dora with:
100 hand release merkins
200 jungle boi squats
300 box jumps (sub step ups if needed)
400 Freddie Mercuries

Twist is that at each P1/P2 switch, the pax returning from the run has to guess whether the other pax got to and odd or even number of cum. reps. If pax guesses wrong, they have to do 3 burpees, if they guess right their partner does 3 burpees

Skipped in favor of burpee treehouse to 8 (P1 does 1 burpee, P2 does 1, P1 does 2, P2 does 2, and so on until get to 8)

Prayers that we may put our energy and dedication to our loved ones

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