The Planets, Bringers of Pain

AO: ao-the-swamp
Q: Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles)
PAX: Patrick Chow (Black Hole), Uday Jain (WallE), Dustin Crosby (Kolisi), David Sherry (Bucky)
FNGs: None
– Arm circles
– Imperial walkers
– Circle Arms
– Tippy Taps
– Mosey to the playground in back

Cycle through the following exercises, one in honor of each planet in the planetary alignment this morning:
1. Mercury, the messenger: Freddie Mercury x 20
2. Mars, the Bringer of War: WW2 situps x 20
3. Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity: Happy Jacks x5 (5 SSH, then perform 2 squat jumps = 1 rep)
4. Saturn, Bringer of Old Age: Aiken Legs: 10 reps each (squats, box jumps, lunges, bonnie blair)
5. Neptune: 6’s. Same format as 11’s, but with pull up variation and Merkins, e.g. 1 pullup + 5 merkins, 2 pullups + 4 merkins, etc.
6. Uranus: Gas pumpers x 20
7. Orbit! : Mosey around Toll Gate
Repeat the above 2.5x. Mosey back to the front.

– Pluto, the dwarf planet: 10x Smurf Jacks IC

– Solstice workout @ the beach coming up
– 1776 reps in Philadelphia on July 4th resources

– Gratitude for family time; transitioning to summer routines; getting ready for new baby

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