Square it off!

AO: backblasts
Q: Dick Clark
PAX: beater, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Manish Bhansali (F3 – Aviator), Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles), Uday Jain (WallE)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Abe Vigoda, DC stretch
1) 10 merkin jacks and 10 grip-rip-roll (sit with coupon next to you. (Move coupon to other side, roll up onto coupon in plank, roll back to sit.)
2) Bataan Death Crawl: bear crawl Indian run where last guy does 5 burpees, then runs to front of line and then bear crawls.
3) 7 of Diamonds: 7 burpees in each corner, 14 flutters in each corner, 21 merkins in each, 28 SSH in each.
4) 21 each of curls, overhead press, and Alpo.
MARY: no time left!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 22 June beach convergence!
COT: thankful for support of Brothers!

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