It’s a Date! 8/17/24

AO: backblasts
Q: Dick Clark
PAX: beater, Manish Bhansali (F3 – Aviator), Marc Rubenstein (ScarU), Pharaoh, Skynet, Uday Jain (WallE), Wayne Frost (Takedown), Wingman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: RIP, SSH, IW, Abe Vigoda
THE THANG: 1)8 rounds of the Date (8-17-24):
Each round is 8 reps of 1st exercise, 17 reps of 2nd, 24 reps of 3rd:
Burpee, SSH, overhead press.
Mountain climber, Merkin, bent over row.
Burpee, SSH, curl.
Mountain climber, Merkin, windshield wiper.
Wide Merkins, big boy, overhead press.
Box cutters, dips, bent over row.
Wide Merkens, big boys, curl.
Box cutters, dips, windshield wiper
2)” “The Bronson” (modified, less the burpees).
50 reps of the listed exercise OYO, then sprint 50 yards, bear crawl 20 yards, mosey back to the start for the next exercise:
50 SSH, run+crawl;
50 Merkins, run+crawl;
50 LBC, run+crawl;
50 jump squat, run+crawl.
3)is the Ciabatta, of overhead press w/coupon:
Hard: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest;
Soft: 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest;
Hard: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest.
MARY: 10 Flutter, 10 gas pump.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 camp today. 5k for Eric LeGrand w/dinner, 6 pm Fri Aug 23, Turning Basin Park at Alexander Rd.
COT: thankful for the higher purpose.

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