Q: Dick Clark
PAX: Patrick Chow (Black Hole), Sherlock, Manish Bhansali (F3 – Aviator), Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth), Uday Jain (WallE), beater, Sachin Kulkarni (Scoop), Dark Matter
FNGs: None
WARMUP: DC stretches, and one lap of the yard.
Thang 1: 10 BB’s: do 1 merkin, stand and say “1 BB!” Then 2 merkins, stand and say “2 BB’s!” Up to 10, back down to 1. Total 100 Merkins.
Thang #2: “Wheel of animal walk”, moving around each side of the yard, and doing Merkins in each corner, using a raised surface like the street curb in each corner:
Frog hop to the next corner, 10 Merkins, both hands up on the curb.
Bear crawl to the next corner, 10 Merkens with left hand up.
Duck walk, 10 Merkens with feet up.
Crabwalk, 10 Merkens with right hand up.
Thang#3: “Walls of Jericho”:
Repeat 7x: 7 reps each of:
Overhead press
World War III sit up
Curl two overhead press
Then run once around a building, (like triumph brewery).
Repeat 7 times total.
MARY: Mary-go-round: each Pax leads a 10 count of one core exercise. Ended with both canoes (thanks, beater!)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Iron Pax starts next week! Join team Ragnar, for a trail run on October 4-5!
COT: thankful for the supportive brothers, and a wonderful town center.