Arise: September 22nd, 2024

News and Notes from the F3 Princeton AOs, and the F3 Nation

Shout Outs!

Shout Out and welcome to FNG Happy Gilmore who showed up at The Big House this week.

Primary Announcements

Stingray is your new Site Q @ The Rising!

I am thrilled to see the first “transition” in leadership of the year! A huge shout out to @Sunny The Machine Sehgal for his outstanding leadership in a multitude of ways…individually as a Q and collectively as Site Q for the Rising. Thank you for caring so much and for your dedicated service.

@Herve Francois (Stingray) I appreciate you stepping up to lead the Rising in a new era, motivating the PAX and holding them accountable to reach new heights.  Excited for your leadership! Thank you


F3 Iron PAX Challenge is here! – All weeks in September

What is Iron PAX? <– read this…

and then watch this…

IT”S COMING!!!!!! IRON PAX CHALLENGE!!!!! Iron Pax Challenge is a month long, self proclaimed greatest athletic competition in the ultraverse drawing the likes of engineers, machinists, and salesmen many of whom double as Olympic athletes in their down time. Looking for 100% participation.  SCALE TO YOUR ABILITY!!!


Iron PAX will be run at the following times and locations:

The Rising – Saturdays
The Swamp – Monday
The Big House – Wednesdays & Saturdays

Register here (not required to participate, but highly encouraged!)

Check out the following video for a description of Week 3’s workout

Check out the following video for a description of Week 2’s workout

Check out the following video for a description of Week 1’s workout

Check out the following video for a description of Week 0’s workout

Booster PAX @ The OAK – 9/26

Get in a clown car and create a surge of PAX at a new AO during the last week of every month. This month we’re boosting THE OAK and ScarU will be celebrating his 51st birthday with a beatdown! Watch Slack for details and a meetup point as we get closer to this date.

Movie Night @ Casa de Styx – 9/27 6:30pm

Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rebecca”
Friday September 27th, 6:30 PM. Movie starts when it gets dark…
Location @Erik Cabral (Styx) 30 Milburne Lane, Robbinsville, NJ
All are invited.

Gratitude Walk – 9/29 @ WWCP

Gratitude Walk –  Sunday, September 29th- 12:30-3 pm West Windsor Community Park
(We will have a F3 Table here please come help out if you can!)

Ragnar Trail Run NJ – 10/4 to 10/5

A 6 man team has formed for Ragnar Trail NJ. 2 more slots are available for an incredibly memorable event which combines camping, trail running and some great 2nd F between running segments. Reach out to BlackHole if you’re interested.

Q School coming to an AO near you! @ The Rising – 10/19 – 7am

Interested in Q-ing and would like to learn what it’s all about and how to even get started? Come to Q School! Stay tuned for other opportunities.

F3 Morris NJ 2 year Manniversary – 10/19th – 7 am 

Stay Tuned…

Atlantic City Boardwalk 5k, 10k, Half marathon & Marathon – 10/19

If finishing a 5K, 10K, Half marathon, marathon is one of your goal before year end…
Opportunity to run a Fall season in Atlantic City on Saturday, Oct 19 (5K, 10K & half marathon) or Sunday, Oct 20, 2024 (marathon).  There is a Marathon ‘F3 New Jersey’ group to join in…Sign up link


VO2 Max Testing – 10/26 – 7:00 am @ WWP-HSS Track

I’d like to organize a workout to estimate VO2 max, which is perhaps the single best predictor of longevity (see attached paper).  VO2 max is formally measured in a lab (usually on a treadmill or bike), which can cost $250+ and take weeks to schedule. It can be estimated using the Cooper Test, in which you run hard for 12 minutes or 1.5 miles, and the Rockport Test, in which you walk briskly for 1 mile (this requires measuring heart rate). We would run on the WWP-HSS track or another 400m track. Would a morning on the weekend of Oct 12-13 or Oct 26-27 work?


Hopewell Meadows Miler – 11/2

Heads up – hold the date: Nov 2 Saturday Meadows Miler 5k/10k trail run tabling opportunity. I will get us a spot in the vendor village like in past years. And also do a special WO at The Retreat ahead of time.


Downrange PAX

Posting at another F3 location is know as posting “downrange”. If you’re traveling, check out the #downrange channel on the F3Nation Slack for opportunities to meet up with brothers all around the world.

F3  Princeton Region SLT Updates

Catch up with the latest news around the F3 Nation with the following Podcasts.

The COT: News of the Nation Podcast
Stuff Worth Trying Podcast
F3 Nation YouTube Chanel

1st F – Fitness

This week’s schedule & Qs

🚨 Beatdown Safety Reminders 🚨

“As a follow-up, I would like to request all workouts start out with DiCCS as developed by F3 Waxhaw.  This is a regular start at all workouts of F3 The Frontier (New Providence.)”

Disclaimer – Is the disclaimer given before every F3 workout by the workout leader or site Q?
Cell Phone on your Body? Does at least one Pax have a cell phone with them during the workout?
CPR Certified? Does at least one Pax know CPR at each AO and preferably at each workout?
Site-Specific Safety? What else is/has your Region and AOs doing/done to ensure safety is prioritized and plans are in place?

Second F – Fellowship (sad clown no more)

Welcome FNGs

Welcome to F3
10 Steps for the New Guy in F3

At the Rising:

Apr 13: Charriot
Apr 13: Grisham
Apr 13: Backdraft
Apr 15: Grasshopper
Apr 20: BedPan
Apr 20: Canuck
Apr 20: HatTrick
May 4: Snake
May 6: Sureshot
May 18: Master Chef
May 18: Nimitz
May 25: Voicemail
June 1: SabreTooth
June 1: RedBull
June 6: J Brake
June 29: Redfin
July 6: Overdraft (Indervir Singh)
July 6: Clipper (Karanveer Singh)
July 6: On Deck From Pensacola FL
July 6: Here’s Johnny From Maryland
July 6: Bolt (Veronica – Styx 2.0)
Aug 10: Wild Turkey

At The Swamp:

Feb 08: Newman (@Matt T)
Jul 18: Shepherd

At The Big House:

Apr 26: Pharaoh
Apr 26: Locke
May 4: Hollywood
May 4: Sherlock
June 19: Splinter
Jul 23: Chris
Sep 20: Happy Gilmore

At The OAK:

Aug 8: Alchemy
Sep 5: La Vern

At the Ruck:

Jul 26: Themistocles

At the Cranbury Run:

Mar 12: Mercury @sondrejack

At the SOT:

Feb 22: Spine
Feb 22: Lightspeed
Apr 4: Tri-Tech
Aug 4: Hot 104
Sep 11: Cole (to be named)

OTB / Popup

May 23: The Cobbler (Burlington)
May 23: The Maestro (Burlington)
May 23: The Mentor (Burlington)
May 23: The Protector (Burlington)
May 23: John Deere (Burlington)
Aug 18: Crayola (Dad’s Camp)
Aug 18: Rookie (Dad’s Camp)
Aug 18: Doodle (Dad’s Camp)

Third F – Faith (something bigger than you)

Michael Easter on “The Power of Taking the Stairs”

F3 in the News and Media

Listen to ScarU crushing his interview on the COT Podcast

High Impact Man Podcast

Read the full Article about F3 Nation and it’s impact on men’s lives and their communities in the Jan/Feb 2019 Men’s Health USA Magazine

Men’s Health Article

Read the full Article about F3 Nation; A Workout Craze with a Side of Faith and how it is impacting the lives of men in suburban TX communities and around the Country. 

New York Times Feature

Listen to the full episode about F3 Nation and how it’s impacting men’s lives across the globe as featured on the Order of Man Podcast

OOM Podcast Episode

Listen to the full episode about F3 Nation’s origins, mission and what problems F3 is solving as featured on the Art of Manliness Podcast

AOM Podcast Episode

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