Taper run on the South Brunswick freedom Trail

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Deep Thapliyal (Mulligan) FNGs: None COUNT: 2 WARMUP: OYO THE THANG: 5 miles on the drizzly freedom Trail in South Brunswick, with third runner, Jasper! MARY: none ANNOUNCEMENTS: Philly marathon on Sunday! COT: thankful for running partners!

Sunday stadium long run

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Deep Thapliyal (Mulligan), Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth), Subramanian Triprayar (F1), Sunny The Machine Sehgal FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: quick stretch 0YO THE THANG: 1-hour-plus of run at the track, or around the stadium neighborhoods. Some of us made it all the way to the 9 mile mark of theContinue reading “Sunday stadium long run”

Burlington Pop up Week 2

AO: otb_off_the_books Q: Marc Rubenstein (ScarU) PAX: Dick Clark, Mayor, Fly Pop, Mentor, City West, Gold Rush, Shooter, Caribou FNGs: 4 City West, Gold Rush, Shooter, Caribou COUNT: 9 WARMUP: Grass Pickers, DC Stretches, Motivators THE THANG: Thang 1= 16 Reps Burlington spelled out B ear Crawls 16 reps U p downs 16 reps RussianContinue reading “Burlington Pop up Week 2”


AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Sherlock, Uday Jain (WallE), beater, Klondike FNGs: 1 Klondike COUNT: 6 Conditions: 44 deg, Sunny, and clear skies WARMUP: ArmCircles, Windmills, IWs, CircleArms Mosey to Battle Monument w 10 HR merkins at each intersection along the way Thang 1: JOCKO – in openContinue reading “Monumental-JOCKO-RopePulls-at-TheBigHouse-2024-11-16”

Life Knocks You Down, You Get Right Back Up!

AO: otb_off_the_books Q: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis) , W. Jason Griffith F3 Risky Business, Achilles Estavillo (SideOut/JabJab/Scorpion K PAX: Achilles Estavillo (SideOut/JabJab/Scorpion K, W. Jason Griffith F3 Risky Business, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Smash (Liam Griffith), Delilah (F3 Hoboken) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 4:34 Jocko W – Walmart Tour (Freehold, NJ)… Burpees is like life…WhenContinue reading “Life Knocks You Down, You Get Right Back Up!”

The Raid

AO: backblasts Q: beater PAX: Pharaoh, Uday Jain (WallE), Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Alex (Spine) Englert, Aviator FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: SSH, a few stretchy things, then moseyed with our blocks to the garage THE THANG: Fought our way our way up the parking garage, not unlike the 2011 Indonesian action/thriller The Raid. WentContinue reading “The Raid”

Friday on the canal

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Attila (Jeremy Stitts), Hitchcock (Randy Sherman), Marc Rubenstein (ScarU) FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: stretch OYO THE THANG: 50 minutes of ruck or run on the canal. A great day! MARY: none ANNOUNCEMENTS: movie tonight 7pm, House of Styx! COT: thankful for support of all the brothers!

Merkins to go

AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles) PAX: David Sherry (Bucky), JM ROONEY (GROVER), Patrick Chow (Black Hole) FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: – SSH – arm circle / circle arms – windmill – Al Gore / tree huggers THANG 1: Run approx 1 mile, stopping at all the street lights to do 10 merkinsContinue reading “Merkins to go”

Stadium stairs and run

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Attila (Jeremy Stitts), Hitchcock (Randy Sherman), Elliot Gordon FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: basically stretches (and stories about commuter rail frustration…) THE THANG: Once around the stadium on the stairs, or running on the field. MARY: none ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday movie night, House of Styx. COT: thankful for constancy ofContinue reading “Stadium stairs and run”