AO: ao-the-rising
Q: Achilles Estavillo (SideOut/JabJab/Scorpion King)
PAX: Marc Rubenstein (ScarU), Hitchcock (Randy Sherman), Casbah (Duke Ritchie), Matt Hopkins (Brisket), Harjot Pannu (Cruiser), Herve Francois (Stingray), Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), Swish (Stephen Vaccaro), (SureShot), Elliot Gordon, Picasso, RedCoat, Wayne Frost (Takedown), Tom Yanagi (Whistleblower)
FNGs: None
COUNT: 15 Springbreakers
Stepped in to Q on behalf of Sunny The Machine Sehgal. Please keep him and his family in your prayers as his mom passed away.

M Phelps with Kickback 10
Cross Jack-tivator (Cross Jack Motivators) 5
Jabber-Walker-Squat 5
DC Stretches

2 rounds of SPRINGBREAK
Santa’s Ladder 10-6 Merkins / 5-1 Burpees
Pure Burn 1/4 Squat 20 sec then 1/2 squat 20 sec
Red Bull Smurf Jack 30 IC – Mosey Small Helmet – Forest to Sea
Inclined Merkin 15
No Surrender 5 (Plank Pax count) then No Surrender 5 (Low Plank Pax count)
Groiner 15 IC Mosey Parking Lap
Bulgarian Squat 15 each leg
Rochamburpees (Partner up in Plank and do Rock Paper Scissors – loser does 1 burpee / winner 1 merkin) 5 rounds
Easter Egg (BB-KO & Flutters) 15 IC Mosey baby helmet – Forest to Sea
Angle Grinders 15 IC
Knalp Jack 15 IC

No time

Good Luck to Patrick Chow (Black Hole) & Harkawal G.O.A.T running NYC 1/2 tomorrow
Marine Corps 17.75K (runners heading to VA)
Schuykill Relay 4/26 (signup with Swish (Stephen Vaccaro) – registration 3/20)
Sign- up for Battle Buddies with beater
5/10 – F3 Princeton 6yrs Manniversary – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. WE’LL HAVE ONSITE COFF3ETERIA. WE’LL HAVE A COMMUNITY SERVICE LIKE LAST YEAR (HYGIENE BAGS). LOOKING FOR $ CONTRIBUTION – $20 min but anything you can donate will help…

Keep Sunny The Machine Sehgal & family in your thoughts/prayers.
Life Happens to all! Stay Strong & Positive during the ups and downs.
Keep F3 brotherhood strong!

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