Arise: March 23rd, 2025

News and Notes from the F3 Princeton AOs, and the F3 Nation

Shout Outs!

đź“Ł Shout Out to FNG MoneyPenny for showing up to the Big House for the first time!

đź“Ł Shout Out to ScarU, SideOut, KillBill, Machine, GOAT & DickClark who ran the Marine Corps 17.75km Trail Run this weekend!

OTB workout yesterday, (11 mile trail run/walk), with some high impact men on a hilly course in VA near Quantico, (Marines!).    We suffered together, conquered and got closer. Building the bonds of brotherhood!  Great experience.


đź“Ł Shout Out to RedCoat for completing his 7th CrossFit Open!

đź“Ł Shout Out to BlackHole, Graf and Milky Way for running the local 5k today!

We all ran our local 5k and ended up getting awards: Graf 3rd overall, MW 1st AG, and me 3rd AG!

đź“Ł Shout Out and HBD to Risky Business!

đź“Ł Shout Out to the PAX that stepped up to Q this week…

The OAK: SideOut
– Site Q: SideOut
The Big House: Spine x2, Cruiser
– Site Q: beater
The Swamp: Bucky, Grover
– Site Q: Black Hole
The Rising: Risky Business, ScarU, Brisket
– Site Q: Stingray
The Anchor: FlyPop
– Site Q: ScarU

Get on the board next week by reaching out to one of the site Qs!

Open Q Slots this week:

The Big House: Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
– Site Q: beater
The Swamp: Thursday
– Site Q: Black Hole

This week’s schedule & Qs

Primary Announcements

March Meetups are here!

Initial 1:1 meetups have been set up and posted in Slack. See the following note from beater for details.

The goal is to grab coffee, a beer, lunch, or whatever works best for you both, and spend some time getting to know each other better. Whether you chat about life, work, fitness, or anything in between, it’s a great way to strengthen the brotherhood. No rules, except that it shouldn’t be at a regularly scheduled beatdown (but grabbing 1:1 coffee together afterwards counts!)

Rule #2: post a pic on 2nd F when you meet up – feel free to let us know something cool you learned about the other guy.

Looking forward to seeing you guys jump in!

If you aren’t on the list but wanted to be, let me know and I’ll get you paired up.


Thirsty Thursday, Every Third Thursday – Pennytown Pub – 6pm

…consider joining Swampers next week for our inaugural (and hopefully monthly) “Thirsty Thursday, Third Thursday” in Hopewell. This iteration will be at Pennytown Pub at 6pm. Let me know if you HC or are a maybe.  


Half Dome Lottery – Closes 3/31 @ 11:59pm

Gentlemen, I want to extend an invite for the Half Dome Lottery. I am applying and would love for you to join my 2.0 Liam (Slash) in hopefully winning a spot. When you apply, you can choose up to 7 dates to potentially apply and you can choose up to 6 passes (people).  The lottery closes on March 31 at 11:59pm. Results will come on April 11 via email when you wake up. Only 20% get a spot each year.

I’ve selected the following dates and have picked 6 passes. The dates I’ve chosen are:

August 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24

Risky Business

Fish Fryday @ Hamilton’s Hibernian Hall – 4/4 – 6:30pm

This occurs every Friday from 3/7 to 4/11. Let the PAX know if you’re planning to be there so we can join you for a brew and a Fish Fry platter.

The Hibernian Club of Trenton
2419 Kuser Road Hamilton, New Jersey
Suggested arrival time: 6:30 pm (experience indicates the first wave of patrons is done and is leaving.)


Hopewell Valley 4th Anniversary Beatdown – Rosedale Park – 4/12 @ 6:30am

Join Swampers in a celebration of the 4th anniversary of Hopewell Valley’s weekly workouts at Rosedale Park (aka TheRetreat) on Saturday April 12 at 0630. Navigate to the entrance on Federal City Rd and park at the flag. :pray: :eyes: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:


Schuylkill River Relay – 4/26

I have registered a six-person team for The Schuylkill River Relay on April 26.   Team is F3 Princeton.  For those joining, please sign up at  I paid the fee in full ($280), so participants can just Venmo  me $47 each (@StephenVaccaro).  Should be fun!


Let me/Scar know if you’d like to join a six-person team for the Schuylkill River Relay on Saturday April 26.  

Each team member will run a 5-6 mile leg.  There’s also three-person team option (10-11 mile legs) and an ultramarathon (50k) option.  We’ll need to register by March 20 for current pricing (less than $50/person).  Plenty of time to train and should be a fun morning!


Save the date! F3 Princeton’s 6th Manniversary – 5/10

***Attention PAX:  in the interest of time, # of men available, spreading the word and planning, we made the call to have the 6 Year F3 Princeton Anniversary on May 10th, 2025.   I hope you ALL can make it.  That being said, these events take a lot to plan.   Looking for some H.I.M. to step up and help with the planning which will include a beatdown, breakfast and service event.  Message me or anyone on the SLT if you would like to be part of the planning for this EPIC event! (edited) 


We have a fundraising goal of $1,000 for this event. Suggested donation of $20 per PAX. Please Venmo Machine when you have a chance.

Grand reopening of The Mentor’s nonprofit space – 5/15

Reach out to DickClark for details

Pennington Day Popup and Pre Beatdown @ The Retreat – 5/17

Stay tuned for details…

Other Upcoming Events in the NJ F3 Universe!


Missed the F3 Princeton shirt order? Check this out…

You can still order a shirt at a slightly higher price at the following link.

Downrange PAX

Posting at another F3 location is know as posting “downrange”. If you’re traveling, check out the #downrange channel on the F3Nation Slack for opportunities to meet up with brothers all around the world.

F3 Princeton Region SLT Updates

Catch up with the latest news around the F3 Nation with the following Podcasts.

The COT: News of the Nation Podcast
Stuff Worth Trying Podcast
F3 Nation YouTube Chanel

1st F – Fitness

🚨 Beatdown Safety Reminders 🚨

“As a follow-up, I would like to request all workouts start out with DiCCS as developed by F3 Waxhaw.  This is a regular start at all workouts of F3 The Frontier (New Providence.)”

Disclaimer – Is the disclaimer given before every F3 workout by the workout leader or site Q?
Cell Phone on your Body? Does at least one Pax have a cell phone with them during the workout?
CPR Certified? Does at least one Pax know CPR at each AO and preferably at each workout?
Site-Specific Safety? What else is/has your Region and AOs doing/done to ensure safety is prioritized and plans are in place?

Second F – Fellowship (sad clown no more)

Welcome FNGs

Welcome to F3
10 Steps for the New Guy in F3

At the Rising:

Jan 13: Jockstrap
Jan 13: Bigfoot
Jan 29: Auger
Feb 8: Franchise
Mar 8: Picasso

At The Swamp:

Feb 08: Newman (@Matt T)
Jul 18: Shepherd

At The Big House:

Nov 16: Klondike
Feb 7: Solar
Mar 15: Sandtrap
Mar 22: Moneypenny

At The OAK:

Aug 8: Alchemy
Sep 5: La Vern

At the Ruck:

Jul 26: Themistocles

At the Cranbury Run:

Nov 12: Big Sur

At the SOT:

The Anchor:

May 23: The Cobbler (Burlington)
May 23: The Maestro (Burlington)
May 23: The Mentor (Burlington)
May 23: The Protector (Burlington)
May 23: John Deere (Burlington)
Nov 9: Pop-Pop
Nov 9: Fly-Pop
Nov 9: McQueen
Nov 9: Drydock

Nov 16: City West
Nov 16: Gold Rush
Nov 16: Shooter
Nov 16: Caribou
Dec 14: Coach
Jan 4: Dagger Board
Jan 25: Da Inspector
Jan 25: Rembrandt
Jan 25: Trash Talker
Feb 8: GroundUp

OTB / Popup

Aug 18: Crayola (Dad’s Camp)
Aug 18: Rookie (Dad’s Camp)
Aug 18: Doodle (Dad’s Camp)

Third F – Faith (something bigger than you)

1 in 5 US adults reports daily loneliness: Gallup
Thank you Zelda for sharing

Michael Easter on “The Power of Taking the Stairs”

F3 in the News and Media

Listen to ScarU crushing his interview on the COT Podcast

High Impact Man Podcast

Read the full Article about F3 Nation and it’s impact on men’s lives and their communities in the Jan/Feb 2019 Men’s Health USA Magazine

Men’s Health Article

Read the full Article about F3 Nation; A Workout Craze with a Side of Faith and how it is impacting the lives of men in suburban TX communities and around the Country. 

New York Times Feature

Listen to the full episode about F3 Nation and how it’s impacting men’s lives across the globe as featured on the Order of Man Podcast

OOM Podcast Episode

Listen to the full episode about F3 Nation’s origins, mission and what problems F3 is solving as featured on the Art of Manliness Podcast

AOM Podcast Episode

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