Who Invited This Guy to Q????

After a 3 mile Pre Run including Ragnar Trail New Jersey 2021 team members Lowes, Risky Business, and Black Hole, 10 PAX converged at The Rising for a guest Q Lowes (F3 Indian Valley/F3 Valley Forge)-led Beatdown! Where: The Rising Who: Lowes (Q), WallE, Black Hole, Churchill, Red Coat, Risky Business, Dos Equis, Cruiser, Scar,Continue reading “Who Invited This Guy to Q????”

Full Circle’s “educational” beatdown on the Solstice

12 #HIM posted for a special guest Q by Full Circle of F3 Long Island. Where: The Rising Who: Full Circle (Q), Dos Equis, Mountie, Brisket, Red Coat, Red Stripe, Risky Business, Cruiser, Black Hole, WallE, Jiminy (FNG) and Yogi (FNG). Disclaimer Warmups: motivators, tippy taps, arm circles THANG: Billy Madison “school” Routine (K-12) wContinue reading “Full Circle’s “educational” beatdown on the Solstice”

5.11 Annihilation Beatdown

Physics lesson for the day. Annihilation refers to the conversion of matter when it comes in contact with anti-matter to become pure energy via Einstein’s E=mc2. Plugging in the mass of electron (or it’s anti-matter twin, the positron), the speed of light, and some conversion factors, you get 511 keV photons. These are the signalsContinue reading “5.11 Annihilation Beatdown”