Backblast by Thunder. Workout on Mon 9/13/21. Conditions: clear skies, 70 degrees Location: West Windsor Community Park, 6 PAX: Aviator, Photo Finish, Dick Clark, Cumulus, Turbo, Thunder (Q), Disclaimer: Modify as necessary. Not a professional. Suggestions only. Donโt sue anyone. Aye Dick Clark shared his experiences from the Blue Ridged Relay as well as theContinue reading “Just A Workout”
Author Archives: Curtis Hoberman
A Memorial Workout In honor of those who died on this day September 11, 2001. 53 degrees, 14 PAX โ ScaRU, Knight2F3, Thunder, Turbo, Swish, Towpath, Ghost Rider, Lafayette, Aviator, Wingman, Four Seasons, Mr. Motivator (FNG) and Brisket and Dos Equis, Co-Qs. This workout was set-up by WallE, but he could not Q it today,Continue reading “2977”
Diamonds Are Forever
Wednesday 8/25/21, 0630 hrs, 69 degrees PAX: ScaRU, Cumulus, Turbulence, Mountie, Brisket, Risky Business, Aviator, Thunder, Dick Clark, and Dos Equis, Q. Warm Up (11x of each) Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Tippy Taps, V-Stretch, Lounge Act (each side) Followed by Shoulder Stretch, arms above head stretch. Mosey to the Baseball Diamond. The Shovel Flag cameContinue reading “Diamonds Are Forever”
The Route Numbers of My Life
70 degrees, 7 PAX: Thunder, Turbulence, Mountie, Photo Finish, Aviator, ScaRU, Dos Equis, Q. MD 188 I grew up in Bethesda MD on MD Route 188 โ Wilson Lane. This road is three miles going from the Bethesda business district to MacArthur Blvd in Glen Echo. It became a bike route for me and connectedContinue reading “The Route Numbers of My Life”
Now I Am 3
The Third Manniversary Workout of Dos Equis It is still strange to me to say that I was EH’d for F3 from a magazine article. Dos Equis 76 degrees, (9) #HIM: Mountie, Brisket, Aviator, Quick Change (FNG), ScarU, Photo Finish, BoyRDee (down range from F3 Kansas City), and LoneWolf of F3 Upper Valley VT onContinue reading “Now I Am 3”
Back to Basics
Written by Thunder, Q. Date: 6/16/2021, Conditions: clear skies, 60 degrees Location: Community Park, West Windsor 8 PAX: Aviator, Brisket, Dos Equis, Photo Finish, Scar U, Dick Clark, Mulligan, Thunder (Q), Disclaimer: Modify as necessary. Not a professional. Suggestions only. Donโt sue anyone. Aye Wednesday morning work-out was about getting back to basics, using someContinue reading “Back to Basics”
The Long Trail
A Celebration Workout in honor of the Launch this day of F3 Upper Valley in Fairlee, Vermont, the first F3 Workout in Vermont 63 degrees, 15 pax: WallE, Brisket, Ribs, Cruiser, Bollywood, RedCoat, ScarU, Mountie, Mulligan, Dick Clark, Black Hole, Aviator, Photo Finish, Slapshot of F3 Rock Hill SC, and Dos Equis, Q Warm UpContinue reading “The Long Trail”
Our First Post 2 Prost
Old Hights Brewing Company, Hightstown, New Jersey You guys are F3? I am familiar with it from Seattle. A Young Man in Hightstown 6:30 PM. Brisket, Risky Business, Mountie, Pharmer, Black Hole and Dos Equis, Q. Ever since I saw this idea by F3 Grand Rapids of an evening workout followed by a 2nd FContinue reading “Our First Post 2 Prost”
What Would Brisket Do?
A Tribute Workout 51* clear. 9 Pax total: Risky Business, Mountie, Thunder, ScarU, Dick Clark, Aviator, Brisket, Dos Equis (Q), and on ZOOM, Black Hole. At F3 Princeton, I am surrounded by creative guys who come up with great themes for workouts. For this workout, I asked the question: What would Brisket do if heContinue reading “What Would Brisket Do?”
Dos Anos – A Reflection
These thoughts were shared with the men of F3 Princeton on the occasion of our 2nd Anniversary Celebration The world deeply needs more men like us. Dos Equis Each time we get together for our workouts, I will often be found facing east to watch the sunrise. Sometimes it is a glorious sunrise in manyContinue reading “Dos Anos – A Reflection”