F3 Workout deck in full effect..
Author Archives: Kevin Holden
Remember the Titans
Posted by Mountie, created by Scar 1971 “Remember the Titans” is based on the true story of the 1971 Virginia state football champions from T.C. Williams High School.During these polarizing times, it is important to understand that while we may have differences, we have much more in common than you think. At F3 Princeton, we are blessedContinue reading “Remember the Titans”
#bELieve52 5k
On June 6th, 2020, 13 HIMs got together in West Windsor Community Park for 2 hours to pay honor and respect to Eric LeGrand, a Rutgers Football player who had a spinal cord injury in October, 2010 in a game vs. Army at Giants Stadium. I was at the game with my two girls andContinue reading “#bELieve52 5k”
May the 4th 5/4/2020
And just like that it’s May.. We are still doing virtual workouts but hopefully there is a groove to be discovered (let’s call it the Force) and we are all getting better each day. Like the hero’s journey of every Star Wars episode, our virtual WO started with us being a little lost, trying toContinue reading “May the 4th 5/4/2020”
Fire pit Friday 5/1/2020
Fire Pit Friday, 2nd edition. Hosted by Scar and via zoom.We had 8 F3 Princeton brothers, 1 brother from Long Island, (Full Circle) and 1 FNG from Wisconsin, (Ed), show up for the first VFPF (Virtual Fire Pit Friday)! For all intents and purposes this was a success. We talked building a fire, Star Wars,Continue reading “Fire pit Friday 5/1/2020”
Four for 20 two day 4/22/2020
4 for 20 2-day, Zoom AOR, 7am EST PAX: Mountie (Q), Dos, Brisket, Black Hole, Scar and Focus Factor Warmup – shoulders, legs and back. The Thang- Deconstructed Burpees20 Squats20 Leg Thrusts20 Merkins20 Leg Thrusts 20 W-lunges (lunge to the left, straight ahead and then to the right)20 SSH20 LBCs20 Carolina Dry Docks MoM-LBC, FreddyContinue reading “Four for 20 two day 4/22/2020”
F3 Buffet 4/20/2020
Q: What do you do when the Q gets Fart Sacked? A: Create a workout buffet of everyone’s favorite workout and tabata workout. Zoom Q don’t have to wait for anyone, nice work gents!
Gratitude Tabata – 4/15/2020
via Zoom, 7am EST #HIM: Scar (Q), Dos, Mountie, Brisket, Focus Factor, Kosher Dill, Sailor, Munchies Include a coupon, step/chair Warm up: Tippy Taps, My back hurts, imperial walkersLeg Tabata: 40 on, 20 off, 2 full roundsSquat, Step up, Deadlifts, Side Straddle HopsCore Tabata: 40 on, 20 off, 2 full roundsPlank or LBC, Superman, SideContinue reading “Gratitude Tabata – 4/15/2020”
Happy Anniversary F3Princeton!
It’s been a busy year, but thanks to Dos Equis and everyone who got F3Princeton up and moseying. Here is a look at our six over the past 12 months, keep showing up Gentlemen! (thanks to Brisket for grabbing the pics from twitter!)
April fools 4/1/2020
April fools April Fools’ Day, sometimes called All Fools’ Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar. https://www.infoplease.com/calendar-holidays/major-holidays/april-fools-day-origin-and-history 4/1/20 30 sec on 30 off tabata 4 Push ups 1Continue reading “April fools 4/1/2020”