Welcomed the PAX to the Monday morning beatdown with the disclaimer. Since this was the first beatdown after turning back the clocks it was bright enough in the gloom so that we could actually see our physical-distant brothers! The brisk dawn, with an almost full-moon setting, called for a beatdown that kept us moving. Warmup:ICContinue reading “Here comes the (November) sun!”
Author Archives: Uday Jain
Canadian Thanksgiving 2020
AAR for F3 Princeton – 6:30 am, October 12, 2020 Pax: Brisket, DickClark, Mountie, DosEquis, PhotoFinish, WallE (Q) Warmup:ArmCircles and CircleArms, WindMills, SlowSquats, TippyTaps (10-11 reps each) Thang:Dirty MacDeuce – with 2 modifications1) The rain kept us in the pavilion so the Run was substituted with [~1 minute run-in-place, 15 SSHs, 3 Burpees, 15 SSHs,Continue reading “Canadian Thanksgiving 2020”
Back at Q
July 11, 2020 It had been exactly 4 months (and 85 zoom workouts) since my last Q at “The Rising”. I was usually the first one to drive into the AO, but not today. The shovel-flag was already in place, and XX and BlackHole were ready and waiting with an FNG!It felt good to beContinue reading “Back at Q”