Arise: March 23rd, 2025

News and Notes from the F3 Princeton AOs, and the F3 Nation Shout Outs! πŸ“£ Shout Out to FNG MoneyPenny for showing up to the Big House for the first time! πŸ“£ Shout Out to ScarU, SideOut, KillBill, Machine, GOAT & DickClark who ran the Marine Corps 17.75km Trail Run this weekend! OTB workout yesterday,Continue reading “Arise: March 23rd, 2025”

Arise: February 16th, 2025

News and Notes from the F3 Princeton AOs, and the F3 Nation Shout Outs! πŸ“£ Shout Out to DickClark for hosting an epic Super Bowl Party! GO BIRDS!! πŸ“£ Shout Out to Cruiser for finding a downrange beatdown in with these local HIM. πŸ“£ Shout Out to RiskyBusiness for stacking the miles in Vegas withContinue reading “Arise: February 16th, 2025”


AO: ao-the-swamp Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles), David Sherry (Bucky), Dustin Crosby (Kolisi), Uday Jain (WallE), Switchblade (Jack C.) FNGs: None COUNT: 6 Conditions: 28, with winds gusting, felt like 15 at times WARMUP: IW, squat, ArmCircle, CircleArm, windmill, SSH, mosey to wind shelter THE THANG: exercises inspired by eachContinue reading “PrezDay-atTheSwamp-202517”

Arise: January 5th, 2025

News and Notes from the F3 Princeton AOs, and the F3 Nation Shout Outs! πŸ“£ Shout Out to BlackHole for finding this Beatdown Tracker created by Hatch. πŸ“£ Shout Out to RedCoat for dropping valuable mobility knowledge in the new Mobility Slack Channel πŸ“£ Shout Out to Dagger Board for showing up for the firstContinue reading “Arise: January 5th, 2025”