F3 Princeton celebrates F3’s 10th birthday

Where: The Rising at West Windsor Community Park, 9 am, January 1, 2021Who: Wall-E (Q), Sandman and Sweaty Palms (F3Nolensville TN), Trail Blazer, Six String, Dick Clark, Photo Finish, Mountie, Dos Equis, Brisket, Milky Way, Black Hole, Bollywood, ScarU and Full Circle in the zoom. 15 (2 virtual) PAX assembled at the Princeton AO toContinue reading “F3 Princeton celebrates F3’s 10th birthday”

Your word of the year – 2021

Before covid, lockdowns, masks and many other new words entered our daily vocabulary, Dos challenged each of us to declare a personal “word of the year” to help us frame our intentions. This was a casual exercise done in our COTs but it is suddenly Dec. 31st again and an new year means another opportunityContinue reading “Your word of the year – 2021”

Everyone loves my Schweddy Palms

Occasionally, F3 Princeton will have a fellow F3 vagabonder join us at The Rising. This round, Sweaty Palms (F3Nolensville TN) raised the bar of our guests and attended multiple Qs, shared some home cooking workouts and even brought his 2.0 (Sandman) to the 10 year F3 anniversary. It was a great reminder of the secondContinue reading “Everyone loves my Schweddy Palms”

Festival of Lights

Where: The Rising, West Windsor Community ParkWho: 17 Pax attended!! Dos Equis, ScarU (Q), Scar2K, Cruiser, FNG The UX, PhotoFinish, Trail Blazer, Red Coat, Dick Clark, Mountie, Trooper, Black Hole, Milky Way, RedCard, Brisket and Brewster and Wall-E in the zoom. (Written by ScarU)Hanukkah- is a Jewish festival commemorating the rededication of the Second TempleContinue reading “Festival of Lights”

A workout that will live in infamy (I doubt it.)

26 degrees, 7 (!!!) pax for this 12/07 workout: Scar, Brisket, Photo Finish, Dick Clark, Dos Equis (Q) and with Mountie, and his 2.0 Nyan, FNG, now named Trooper. Today’s workout was dedicated to our veterans for their faithful service to our country. Warm-up Arm Circles Circle Arms Shoulder Stretch Tippy Taps, with “My backContinue reading “A workout that will live in infamy (I doubt it.)”