Full body circuits with 2.5 mile mosey

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Skynet PAX: beater, Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth), Alex (Spine) Englert, Skynet, Christopher Leavell, Uday Jain (WallE), DarkMatter FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: SSH, Abe Vigodas, Arm circles, Circle arms, DC stretches THE THANG: (3 exercises x 15 reps) x 4 with moseying from Palmer Square to the Pull up bars at the stadiumContinue reading “Full body circuits with 2.5 mile mosey”

5 courses with a hand release appetizer

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: beater PAX: Alex (Spine) Englert, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Manish Bhansali (F3 – Aviator), Pharaoh, Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles), Skynet, Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth), Uday Jain (WallE) FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: SSH, WP, AC, CA, Abe V’s, copperhead squat Circle up for two minute hand release merkin challenge from F3 Jacksonville DosContinue reading “5 courses with a hand release appetizer”

PET day at TheBigHouse 511 2024

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), David Sherry (Bucky), Dick Clark, Skynet, Uday Jain (WallE), DarkMatter FNGs: None COUNT: 7 511 PET Day (Positron Emission Tomography was focus of YHC’s doctoral research) Conditions: 43 and clear WARMUP: motivators from 10 THE THANG: pearls on a string to Einstein’s houseContinue reading “PET day at TheBigHouse 511 2024”

Eccentric Coupon Work

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Skynet PAX: beater, Dick Clark, Manish Bhansali (F3 – Aviator), Uday Jain (WallE) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: side straddle hops, arm circles, circle arms, imperial walkers, tippy taps THE THANG: 7 coupon exercises x 15 reps followed by a mosey, then rinse and repeat x 4 1. Grave digger 2. KettleContinue reading “Eccentric Coupon Work”

Laps Around the Square

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Noodle PAX: Alex (Spine) Englert, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), beater, Dick Clark, Uday Jain (WallE), Nutria FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Disclaimer F3 Mission and Principles WARMUP: SSH IC x 20 Weed Pickers IC x 15 Arm Pretzels IC x 15 Imperial Walkers IC x 15 IC THE THANG: Mosey around Palmer SquareContinue reading “Laps Around the Square”

Death Star – with blocks

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: beater PAX: Noodle, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), Uday Jain (WallE), Skynet FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: SSH, ACs, CAs, WP, CHS, RS Grab block and mosey from Palmer Square to Princeton U plaza THE THANG: 4 rounds rotating hrough the 5 points of a star, with reps of certain workout at eachContinue reading “Death Star – with blocks”

StPatty’s at TheBigHouse

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), David Sherry (Bucky), Skynet, Marc Rubenstein (ScarU), Vijay Aluwalia (Four Seasons), Flatbush (Malik Cobb), Dick Clark, Hacksaw, Maverick, Graf, Will FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Conditions: 41 deg WARMUP: none THE THANG: Attempted strava-art for early St Patty’s Day exercises at various pain stations:Continue reading “StPatty’s at TheBigHouse”

Steppin up

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: beater PAX: Uday Jain (WallE), David Sherry (Bucky), Maverick FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: SSH, weedpickers, seal claps, OH claps, copperhead squat. Mosey to Blair Arch/Steps THE THANG: Partner up for Dora, subbing doing a movement up the stairs (33 total steps) instead of the usual run: Rd1: 400 cumulative steps, frogContinue reading “Steppin up”

The Big House 13

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles) PAX: Uday Jain (WallE), Dick Clark, beater, Skynet, Noodle, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis) FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: – SSH – Arm Circle / Circle Arm – Windmill – DC Stretches (overhead, out front, touch ground, thunder stretch) – Mosey to parking garage. – On the way, sideContinue reading “The Big House 13”

Year of the Dragon at TheBigHouse

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: beater, Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), David Sherry (Bucky), Dick Clark, Harjot Pannu (Cruiser), Manish Bhansali (F3 – Aviator), Marc Rubenstein (ScarU), Ryan K. (Scrubbing Bubbles), Uday Jain (WallE), Jae Lee (Skynet), Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth) FNGs: None COUNT: 12 Conditions: 34 deg WARMUP: – Motivators from 10 Rt66Continue reading “Year of the Dragon at TheBigHouse”