Full body circuits with 2.5 mile mosey

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Skynet PAX: beater, Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth), Alex (Spine) Englert, Skynet, Christopher Leavell, Uday Jain (WallE), DarkMatter FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: SSH, Abe Vigodas, Arm circles, Circle arms, DC stretches THE THANG: (3 exercises x 15 reps) x 4 with moseying from Palmer Square to the Pull up bars at the stadiumContinue reading “Full body circuits with 2.5 mile mosey”

PET day at TheBigHouse 511 2024

AO: ao-the-big-house Q: Patrick Chow (Black Hole) PAX: Curtis Hoberman (Dos Equis), David Sherry (Bucky), Dick Clark, Skynet, Uday Jain (WallE), DarkMatter FNGs: None COUNT: 7 511 PET Day (Positron Emission Tomography was focus of YHC’s doctoral research) Conditions: 43 and clear WARMUP: motivators from 10 THE THANG: pearls on a string to Einstein’s houseContinue reading “PET day at TheBigHouse 511 2024”