Ladies Morning

AO: backblasts Q: Steven Squibb (Splinter) PAX: Steven Squibb (Splinter), The Mentor, FlyPop, Ground Up FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Mosey, High Knees 30 yards, Butt Kickers 30 yards, Side Shuffle 30 yards, Karaoke 30 yards, Calf Raises x10, Leg Swings x10, Open Gate/Close Gate x10, Neck Circles x10, Little Baby Arm Circles x10, BigContinue reading “Ladies Morning”

Burlington x 10!

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Dustin Crosby (Kolisi), Patrick Chow (Black Hole), Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth), FlyPop, T-Squared, Splinter FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: quick DC stretch THE THANG: Or this one: 5 Rounds: 10 exercises x 10 reps each – Imperial Walkers – Squats – SSH – Apollo Ohno – American Hammers – FluttersContinue reading “Burlington x 10!”

VQ of the Mentor

AO: backblasts Q: Marc Rubenstein (ScarU) PAX: Dick Clark, Pharmer, Steven Squibb, #Flypop, #theMentor, #DaggerBoard FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Imperial Walkers, Moraccan Night Clubs, Windmills, DC stretches THE THANG: Thang 1: Upper Body 5: Merkins, Dips, Carolina, Shoulder taps Run Lower Body 5: Squats, Toe Raises, Mountain Climbers, Lunges Run Core: LBCs, Big Boys,Continue reading “VQ of the Mentor”

Stadium stairs

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Attila (Jeremy Stitts), Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), Hitchcock (Randy Sherman), Marc Rubenstein (ScarU), FlyPop FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: DC stretch THE THANG: once around the stadium stairs MARY: none ANNOUNCEMENTS: football Saturday, and movie night 2/28 COT: love the brothers, think about purpose

Ruck on the stairs!

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Attila (Jeremy Stitts), Elliot Gordon, Harjot Pannu (Cruiser), Hitchcock (Randy Sherman), FlyPop FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: basically DC stretch THE THANG: one round of the stadium, half the guys were wearing a rock. Good strain on the legs! MARY: none ANNOUNCEMENTS: 8 PM on the solstice, Saturday night,Continue reading “Ruck on the stairs!”