Cloudy towpath morning

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), Hitchcock (Randy Sherman), Marc Rubenstein (ScarU) FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: stretch OYO THE THANG: 40 minutes of ruck or run, on the cloudy towpath. Nice morning! MARY: no time! ANNOUNCEMENTS: movie coming end Sept COT: thankful to get a ride from Hitchcock, when myContinue reading “Cloudy towpath morning”

Stadium Stairs, back to school edition!

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Dustin Crosby (Kolisi), Elliot Gordon, Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), Harjot Pannu (Cruiser), Hitchcock (Randy Sherman), Srikanth Bondada (BabeRuth), Switchblade (Jack C.), Ocean Spray, Mojo, Jig, Rembrandt, Slugger FNGs: None COUNT: 13 WARMUP: quick DC stretches. THE THANG: around the stadium, your way. Lots of Pax and 2.0’s going inContinue reading “Stadium Stairs, back to school edition!”

MiltonBradley at The Rising

AO: ao-the-rising Q: Achilles Estavillo (SideOut/JabJab/Scorpion King) PAX: W. Jason Griffith F3 Risky Business, Flatbush (Malik Cobb), Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), Erik Cabral (Styx), Matt Hopkins (Brisket), Edgar Moran (Grasshopper), Wayne Frost (Takedown), Thunder FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Milton Bradley’s quote, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” AContinue reading “MiltonBradley at The Rising”

Sunday long run from the stadium

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), Deep Thapliyal (Mulligan), Subramanian Triprayar (F1) FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: stretch OYO THE THANG: 50 minutes-plus of running at each Pax’s pace. MARY: no time for that! ANNOUNCEMENTS: movie coming, date TBD. Sept 14 bike ride at Rosedale. COT: thankful for beautiful days inContinue reading “Sunday long run from the stadium”

Friday ruck and run

AO: backblasts Q: Dick Clark PAX: Erik Cabral (Styx), Hitchcock (Randy Sherman), Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), (SureShot) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: stretch OYO THE THANG: 50 minutes ruck or run MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5k 6pm at Turning Basin tonight! COT: thankful for the brotherhood

Rock Around the Clock

AO: ao-the-rising Q: Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll) PAX: Matt Hopkins (Brisket), Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), Erik Cabral (Styx), Jay Tailor (GTL) from Chicago FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Tippy Taps, Imperial Walkers, Side Straddle Hops (10 count) THE THANG: 45-minute AMRAP, Iron PAX style beatdown. The goal is to maximize your point total. One completeContinue reading “Rock Around the Clock”

Jiu jitsu inspired VQ

AO: backblasts Q: Aryaman Kulkarni (MasterChef) PAX: Fred Kelly (Grassy Knoll), Dick Clark, Wayne Frost (Takedown), Matt Hopkins (Brisket) FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: 20 jumping Jacks 10 squats 10 push-ups Repeat first 3 20 crunches each side 20 triangle chokes Neck stretches 20 bridges 20 hip escapes Stretches THE THANG: Shrimp Inch worm BearContinue reading “Jiu jitsu inspired VQ”